Saturday 75 k Points Race
Points Race
Automatic Matchmaking, Similar Abilities
Organized By: Rob Miller
Fast, tactical racing on flattish or punchy 75 k courses with matchmaking, aggressive bots and windy conditions to develop and challenge your racecraft. There will be breakaways, attacks, bridges, sprints, and split second decisions to make. Everyone is welcome at any level. Similar ability matchmaking and Tier 1 Performance Verification ensures you will have a fair and competitive race with humans and racebots at your level.
Event Registration
You must be signed in to sign up for this event.
Route Details
Two Lake Loop
Custom Distance
75.0 km
Scoring Details
Points For Event
Position Points
Show Points Table
Double points awared at finish
Banner 1 - No points awarded
Banner 2 - No points awarded
Banner 5 - No points awarded
Banner 6 - No points awarded
Banner 8 - No points awarded
Banner 10 - No points awarded
Banner 12 - No points awarded
Banner 13 - No points awarded
Banner 15 - No points awarded
Banner 17 - No points awarded
Banner 18 - No points awarded
Banner 20 - No points awarded
Neutral Zone
1.0 km
Initial Speed
0.0 kph
Ending Speed
0.0 kph
Time of Day
Day / Night Cycle