DIRTy FriYAY Rolling Team Scratch 27.5km
Team Scratch Race
Competitive 6 riders
Single Pen
Organized By: Jeff Baumgardner
Dirty FriYAY rolling in to kick off the weekend! This week we bring the rolling course to stretch out out legs. Scratch with your teammates so bring your friends and hope for the fast bots. The wind will pick up so can you take advantage of it to break away or will you save for the end? This week will be a little longer but finishes atop the North Lake climb. Be BRAVE! DIRTy FriYAY is coming every week with a mix of team Scratch and Points races. The goal is to have 30-35min race that challenges everyone to do their best and take the training to the next level. Over the course of 4 weeks, we will do 2 rolling courses, 1 crit style and 1 hilly race so that all types of riders will have fun. To keep everyone on their toes, the finishes will often be custom distances and the races will sometimes be a little longer. All feedback is welcome!
Event Registration
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Route Details
Two Lake Loop
Custom Distance
27.6 km
Scoring Details
Points For Event
Position Points
Show Points Table
Neutral Zone
1.0 km
Initial Speed
0.0 kph
Ending Speed
0.0 kph
Time of Day
Day / Night Cycle