(No Bots) Peaks Coaching Grp Tempo-Sweet Spot
Organized By: Paul-Peaks Coaching Grp
Welcome to the Peaks Coaching Group January Training Series
Mega Base Building for your 2025 season.
All rides start at 2:07 p.m. EST(USA) or 19:07 UTC
Three TP Virtual rides each week through January30th. Training calendar can be seen on our Facebook page. (facebook.com/groups/peakszwift)
*** WARM UP *** prior to the start. We DO NOT have a warm up period as a group. We roll off at the advertised w/kg pace.
Be pedaling, be ready!
>>> Today is a 24 mile group ride (NOT a race) approximately 90 minutes. PLEASE go easy over the top of climbs so the group stays together, as a 'group'. Pace will be Tempo (2.5-2.6 w/kg) on the flat terrain. This course has 3 climbs of 4 miles each and we will ride Upper Tempo to Sweet Spot (2.9 to 3.5 w/kg) up these.
NO Bots will be included today. IF I see a lot of riders signed up, I may turn off the Bots ( I did :-). Sign up a day early so I have time to adjust.
1 mile neutral zone so we can all get rolling as a group.
Use 'C' to open the Chat window and say 'Hello' so we know who is a real human :-)
>>Ask questions if you need tips or help with training, racing, etc. <<
Stay up to date on our rides, training series and more by following our Facebook Page at facebook.com/groups/peakszwift
Join the Peaks Coaching Group Team here on TP Virtual and get our kit added to your collection. Use the email request from your Profile page.
Group Ride
Single Pen
Easy Hill Climb Lap
Total Distance
38.9 km
572 m
Neutral Zone
1 m
Initial Speed
25.0 kph
Ending Speed
30.0 kph
Time of Day
Start List
8 Signups0 Friend(s)
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